The roles and responsibilities for board trustees of private and public colleges and universities are much the same. Colleges and universities also have governance structures much like other organizations. As it pertains to public and private schools, where matters are differentiated a bit is to whom the board of directors and others in leadership roles give their accountability. In private colleges and universities, the governing body is accountable to the shareholders and other stakeholders, particularly the students and their parents. In public colleges and universities, leadership is accountable to the state authorities and the citizens of the state. AIU board of directors list given below with country representatives.
Name: Kyung Bai An
Country: USA
Name: Farah Linot Delance
Country: USA
Name: Dr. Prof. Sang Won Park
Country: USA
Name: Dr. Prof Jared Akama
Country: Kenya
Name: Dr. Lynn B. Ujiagbe
Country: Nigeria
Name: Dr. Sawsan Mabrouk
Country: Tunisia
Name: Adv. Ratan Kumar Das
Country: Bangladesh
Name: Dr. Narine Dat Sookram
Country: Canada
Name: Prof. Ahmed Lamraoui
Country: Dubai (UAE)
Name: Prof. Ourania D. Lampou
Country: Greece
Name: Dato’ Marietta Reformado
Country: Malaysia
Name: Prof. Um Kwang Ho
Country: South Korea