America International University(AIU) is registered and approved by the state of California as a Non-Profit Educational Organization on October 03, 2014, as the America International University(A0840913) amended on March 17, 2020.
Our purpose is to educate under California Education Code(CEC) section 94874(e), Title 5, California Code of Regulations 71395
America International University(AIU) is approved by the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury on October 03, 2014, as a legal Federal Tax Exempt Organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
America International University(AIU) is organized and operated for public purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
America International University(AIU) has the authority to confer the degrees(BA, MA, Doctor, Honorary Doctor Degree & Diploma, Certificate) to the qualified people who Students Promote Their Pride & Participation.
Off-Campus of the Special Programs
The purpose of establishing Cyber Special Programs and other Academy Programs is to implement the professional, specific and comprehensive global Academic systems by reeducating the experts in each field to carry out the special tasks in their specialities and maintain a better world.
The specific and primary purpose of America International University(AIU) Academy(Off-Campus of the Special Programs) is to operate seminars and classes for leadership programs of domestic & international safety and global Human Rights.

The Virtual University utilizes the services of the very best professors that the country has to offer. They belong to the best universities and other institutions of the country and are acknowledged masters of their subjects. Most of the professors hold PhD degrees and even several vice-chancellors of major national universities have taught courses at the Virtual University.
Absolutely not. The Virtual University provides an identical education to all its students regardless of their geographical location. All Virtual University students, regardless of whether they live in large cities or small towns or even remote areas are taught by the same professors, receive the same study materials. Even examinations are identical throughout the country.
Yes. The course outlines used in our syllabus are based on international demands and standards.